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Pray Mirrors

A “pray mirror” is a reflection tool used during prayer or meditation to help individuals connect with their inner thoughts, feelings, and spirituality. By looking at their own reflection, individuals can focus on their intentions, goals, and desires while in a state of prayer. This practice can enhance self-awareness, mindfulness, and spiritual growth. The pray mirror serves as a visual aid to deepen one’s connection with themselves and with the divine during moments of contemplation and introspection.

  • Colorful Buddha face painted on a round mirror.

    Buddha Painted Mirror

    12 * 13 inches ( 29 * 33 cm )
    18 * 20 inches ( 45 * 50 cm )
  • "God" Neon Custom Painted Mirror with vibrant, glowing lettering.

    God Neon Custom painted Mirror

    13 * 6 inches ( 33 * 16 cm )
    20 * 10 inches ( 50 * 25 cm )
  • Drake Praying Hands Logo Mirror

    Drake Praying Hands Logo Mirror

    13 x 20 inches
    9 x 13 inches
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