Zentangles mirror is a creative and meditative art form that involves drawing intricate patterns within a mirrored image. This technique allows for a symmetrical and balanced design to emerge, while also providing a calming and therapeutic experience for the artist. The process of creating Zentangles mirror encourages focus, mindfulness, and relaxation, as each stroke and curve is carefully considered and repeated on both sides of the mirror. The end result is a mesmerizing and harmonious piece of art that showcases the beauty of symmetry and self-reflection.
Showing all 3 resultsSorted by popularity
Raccoon Zentangle Mirror
$69.00 – $104.00Clear13 * 6 inches ( 33 * 16 cm )20 * 9 inches ( 50 * 24 cm ) -
Zebra Zentangle Mirror
$69.00 – $104.00Clear13 * 8 inches ( 33 * 21 cm )20 * 12 inches ( 50 * 32 cm ) -
Rabbit Zentangle Mirror
$69.00 – $104.00Clear11 * 20 inches ( 28 * 50 cm )7 * 13 inches ( 18 * 33 cm )